

 Bus fee is payable bi-monthly starting from April.

Kindly fill in all the entries before making the payment.

While paying the fees it is compulsory to write on the counter foil, the name of the student, class, section, roll number, admission number and the year of the admission.

Bus fees for the months of April & May must be paid in the month of April by 30th.

The cheque payment will be accepted at the school fee counter. The name of student, class, admission number, year of admission and contact no of parents are to be written clearly behind the cheque. If your cheque bounces, penalty will be charged from the parents.

 Kindly clear all fee dues term wise before they write their examinations. Admit card for the examination will be issued only after the dues are cleared.

 For the new academic year students have to pay bus fee for eleven months.

 Charges for CCTV, GPS, Bill Book and Bus Pass etc. Rs. 350/- (one time in a year) is charged.

 Note: – The fee should be paid before 20th of every month. After this date late fine will be charged Rs. 50/-.

Bus Service

 The school bus follows a fixed route and stops only at the established centers, where the students of the neighborhood should gather. The bus may not deviate from that route.

 The bus service is given for the whole year. It cannot be withdrawn at any time in the Academic year.

In The Bus

 The students who have subscribed to the school bus must carry their bus pass everyday.

 Students should enter and leave their bus in single line without pushing.

 As a safety measure nobody should put his hand out through the protecting bars of the windows, not even to salute someone.

 Singing or shouting is strictly forbidden.

 Students should wait at their respective stoppage for the bus. While waiting they should be mindful of good manners and exemplary behavior. Playing at these centers is not allowed.
 Eating in the bus is not allowed.

 Speaking in English in the bus and in the school campus is obligatory on all.